Selasa, 15 Maret 2011


I must say I'm amazed at the response given to this matter. I deeply appreciate and give thanks from the heart on your help, suggestions, comments and assistance.

I filed a report abuse complaint with Blogger and received a quick reply that they will look into the matter and get back with me as soon as possible.

Thought I would check to see if it's still posted, and the answer is YES!

I'm going to contact some of the freebie blogs and spread the word.

NOTE: I've had some of you mention in comments, concerned about me shutting down due to this, NO WAY!

I refuse to let one bad apple affect me, I shall always believe that the majority is good, and will always shine. No way will I let this get me down.

I enjoy what I'm doing, I enjoy giving and sharing what little I have to offer with others, I'm here to stay.



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