Sabtu, 16 April 2011

So Glad to be back

Sorry for the long absence, but again life got in the way.   Doesn't it always?  I wish I could say I've been away on an extended vacation, full of tropical sun and blissful romance.  Not the case, unfortunately!  Seems we've had to take Watson to the vet twice in the last two weeks, seems Watson likes to put any little thing in his mouth to chew and eat, including, rocks,dandelions,twigs, not to mention an occasional doggy turd, ewwwwwwwwww!  Since he wasn't pottying as usual, fear that he may have a case of bowel obstruction from all the absurd oddities in his path.  The vet took some x-rays and checked a stool sample.  Happily the x-rays looked okay but his stool sample showed signs of too much bacteria, so pro-biotics was dispensed along with two other prescriptions to take.  So in all I've learned I have a dog who thinks he's a vacuum cleaner and veterinarians aren't cheap!  The last two weeks have left me and my creativity at odds and unwilling to play well together, so I'm trying to get back in the groove and start posting again.

Funky Texture Set contains nine various textures measuring 2400 X 1800 pixels each and worn vignette effects.  As always, hope they may be of some small use to you.

Download the zipped set here:

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